Big Island moments with the Barcelo family
Happy New Year from the Big Island of Hawaii! It’s a calm, sunny day as I write this in my little office; Lego spaceships hang above, an imperial TIE fighter that sways very gently in the wind flowing through the open window. Although something tells me that the calm won’t last forever.
Just a few weeks ago, my workstation was in our bedroom — in the exact same spot where our baby’s dresser is now, and in fact we spent a frantic December weekend remodeling the entire room into a place fit for our incoming newborn! Carpet was replaced, walls repainted and just today I set up the crib & bassinet.
I always pause at the thought, bewildering, exciting and strangely intoxicating as it is — I’ll be a father in about a month. Our little girl, who we’re naming Sharlotte, who’s currently practicing kung-fu in Mom’s belly, will very soon be in our arms. Just amazing. I’m starting to know why people refer to their babies as their “little miracles”.
I’m also wondering how it might affect my photography, and my perspective on the world in general. Growing pains will probably be in full effect as I learn to be a work-from-home & stay-at-home Dad, definitely, but how will I change creatively? After nine months of pondering, I’ll soon find out!
In the meantime I’d been plugging away at sessions as usual, and 2015 ended up being my busiest and most successful year yet. To say that I’m thankful for it would be a huge understatement. Thank you so much to all of my families — you’ve given me great moments to capture, but also a lot of awesome support and stoke with becoming a parent! One such family was the Barcelo ohana. Their son had some incredible expressions, and observing the way they interacted with each other lead to some wonderful, true moments.
I sincerely hope that this coming year is full of such moments for all of you — and if you’re planning to have them here on the Big Island, let me know if you need a photographer! 😀
– Jim